Urban Wildlife Gardens
A program for suburban gardeners who wish to create wonderful gardens for our local wildlife.
About Urban Wildlife Gardens
A not for profit organisation helping urban gardeners improve the biodiversity and wildlife habit in their backyard.
How to Join
A lifetime membership of just one $30 payment, provides you with a garden visit, resources, a property sign, free plants and more!
Garden Visit
Our program co-ordinator will visit your garden and provide expert advice specific to your circumstances.
Useful Info & Latest News
Hundreds of articles on a variety of topics to help grow your Urban Wildlife Garden.
Resources & Links
Useful UWG resources and links to other information.
We are just an email or phone call away. Find out how to reach us.
Our Work
Urban Wildlife Gardens is a Noosa based program that helps urban gardeners improve the biodiversity and wildlife habitat in their backyard though friendly, practical, informative and generous technical assistance, information sharing, workshops and site visits.
Noosa remarkably has nearly 50% of its land area in protected parks and reserves and every gardener can do their bit to enrich nature and habitat in our remarkable biosphere.
Urban Wildlife Gardens works as a complement to the broad scale focus of Land for Wildlife undertaken by Noosa Council, and restoration programs by Noosa and District Landcare, by focusing on the smaller scale urban gardener. Urban Wildlife Gardens is also very appreciative of the work by Backyards for Biodiversity program operating across south east Queensland.
Let’s Build Your Dream Garden Together