Good news for Urban Wildlife Gardens.
On Thursday 18th June, Noosa Councillors approved NICA’s application for modest funding to continue the UWG program into 2021 and we thank them for that. The amount of the grant is $5,323 plus GST.
The continuation of the “Urban Wildlife Gardens” program, implemented and managed by NICA, will engage the urban community living in the Noosa Biosphere Reserve, helping them undertake activities which enhance wildlife habitats in their gardens.
The program aims to engage with the wider urban community to raise awareness of the natural environment, and provide an opportunity for them to contribute on their own properties, encouraging the use of endemic native plant species to turn their gardens into wildlife sanctuaries.
The program provides information and assistance to UWG members, to create and enhance urban wildlife corridors to assist wildlife movement in response to climatic change. It reduces the impact of invasive plant and animal species; and human/wildlife conflict by increasing understanding and awareness of local native wildlife.
Tony Haslam
NICA Treasurer. UWG Working Group.