The big event for this garden was taking delivery of the bee box. Here are some photographs with and without its foam cover.
After a few days settling in, we couldn’t resist looking through the perspex top to see what was happening. We knew they were happy because they were flying in and out and had done some house cleaning. Not certain, but think the red seeds? are from the Cadaghi tree (Corymbia torelliana), weedy to this area and supposedly not good for bees.
Here are some insects (as promised) but so far nameless. I’m still waiting for the Insect ID book (see previous post). As soon as I know what they are, I will label and put them into a searchable record.
And here’s a spider.
Finally some plants. Baeckea frutescens (weeping baeckea) is a favourite and has been looking lovely for a few weeks. Such a good foil to larger leaved shrubs (if you are into garden design). More information at I see them growing naturally beside the Harry and Gladys Spring Environmental Park on McKinnon Drive.
And this beautifully coloured Elkhorn Fern is suffering indigestion from a diet of banana peels.