Flowers: Small attractive cream or green flowers on a spike.
Dispersal method: Mother in-laws tongue spreads via rhizomes (horizontal roots)
Mother in-laws tongue was a very popular garden plant in the past. Its very hardy and has a certain street appeal. It does well in pots and will grow in areas other plants won’t. While not as popular as it used to be, its still spotted in many gardens around Noosa.
This weed is a hard one to classify. Left alone it wont spread into the bushland but will need controlling so it doesn’t overtake the whole garden. This is why it is common to see this plant in pots. When disposed of into bushland it easily takes over and keeps spreading.
Control measures: This weed is very hard to control once it establishes. It can be dug out but easily breaks off and so continues to grow. Regular and continuous follow up is needed.
There is a native alternative to Mother in-laws tongue. Its called Strap fern. It grows just as well and looks similar just without the mottling. A UWG member has a supply of Strap fine that she is happy to give away. If you would like some please get in touch on ph. 0412 074 103
Michelle NewallAustralian Strap Fern