February has given us lots of rain, greenery and growth. The colourful new foliage and every possible shade of green has contrasted with the fungi and been appreciated by caterpillars. In a small urban garden the challenge is to display contrasting foliage and make the best use of splashes of colour. I hope you enjoy your garden as you also tackle the abundance of weeds such as Singapore Daisy and the introduced pasture legumes that try to out-compete our local native plants.
Plant List:
Commelina diffusa – Spreading Dayflower / Blue Commelina
Freycinetia scandens – Climbing Pandanus
Imperata cylindrica – Blady grass
Melicope elleryana – Pink Doughwood / Euodia
Parsonia straminea – Monkey Vine
Pipturus argenteus – Native Mulberry
Polyscias elegans – Celerywood
Pseuderanthemum variabile – Love Flower
Zieria smithii – Sandfly Zieria