Coral creeper ( Barleria repens) is a very pretty ground cover / shrub.
With attractive pinkish red flowers that bloom year round, it’s easy to see why it has been used in coastal gardens. The problem with Coral creeper is that it is so well suited to the local conditions, it out competes most other plants, natives and exotics. Being able to root at the nodes (growing roots along the stem) allows it to scramble over large areas. Whipper snipping or mowing will spread this South African native.
Control of creeping plants is not an easy or quick fix. Coral creeper will need continued follow up from both hand removal or spraying. It’s not impossible to get rid of but will take time. Due to its ability to blanket big areas and suppress growth of other plants. Coral creeper sits in the Red zone – Remove from Gardens.
More information can be found on page 168 of Weeds of the Sunshine Coast, 2nd edition.
Coral Creeper | Weed Identification – Brisbane City Council