This month on 23rd November we held a workshop, ‘Get Connected’. Below is information on the resources that were presented.

Dalia from Noosa Environmental Education Hub showed us how to use the NatureMap website.

This is a citizen science platform to help the public identify and record Fauna and Flora sightings. Uploaded images are sent to a local expert who will identify and then notify you of the species. This information then goes on to the Wildnet data base that the government then uses to form policies for developments. This is an important part of the website which could influence a development application that is proposed near a recorded threatened, endangered or vulnerable species. Noosa is a listed region. Have a look at the Hub’s website, they are doing some great work in our schools.

Dave O’Gorman from Noosa Council’s Fauna Management Department showed us how to look up Wildlife on the Queensland Museum website.

Go to



Find out about

Animals of Queensland

Enter the type of animal you’re looking for.

There is also an app, Queensland Museum Network Field Guide to Queensland Fauna App

David referred to their book “Wildlife of Greater Brisbane” and he also left his contact details

Noosa Council ph. 5329 6238 email

Ryan Heeney from Noosa council provided information on how to look up Flora species on the Noosa Landcare site.


Native nursery

Native plant guide

Click on the arrow for lots of information about the selected plant. is a website still in development that will list plants and the insects that use them. Very helpful if you want to attract a certain insect to your garden.


Pollinator link plant Have a look around this website for interesting articles and great pictures. More than a website about plants.  Species lists for different areas and lots of other useful information.   This site is related to the NICA publication “Noosa’s Native Plants”.

NICA also publishes field guides ‘Weeds of the Sunshine Coast’, ‘Grasses – Native and Introduced’, and ‘Sedges Rushes and Restiads’.