The UWG Native Bee Workshop featured Bob Raaby from Native Bee Rescue and Recovery with his assistants John from Bli Bli and Peter from Cooroy.

They brought a selection of bee boxes and working hives to view.

Around 30 people attended and some early slide technology brought back memories.

Bob talked about native plants that the bees enjoy.  He recommended the Native Plants Sunshine Coast brochure “Native Plants for Native Bees” and distributed copies. (Michelle has distributed these to UWG members.)

Lots of questions and answers – a fascinating subject with lots to learn.

The highlight was seeing the bees in action in their hives.

Several hives had been ordered and the new owners seemed delighted with the new additions for their Urban Wildlife Gardens.

The Australian Native Bee Book by Tim Heard was recommended and another (empty) bee hive was on display from the Noosa Mens’ Shed.

Lots of chat went on over morning tea (thanks Kay and Derek).

We enjoyed the comfort of the NPA Environment Centre, but our next workshop will be in a private garden.