Many plants produce brightly coloured fruits and berries to attract birds and other animals who eat them and distribute the seeds within.

Last month we had the showy fruits of Pittosporum revolutum.   Although they have been well and truly pecked over by now, there are still some about. They are very common but the heavy fruiting season had many people noticing them for the first time and asking “what’s that?”


Here are two that are doing their thing at the moment:

Cordyline rubra should be in every small garden. They make quite a statement and if you need to prune them back, you can easily propagate the cuttings. Or put them in a rustic vase and enjoy them inside.


The colour of the fruits of  Callicarpa pendunculata  will stop you in your tracks.


On a quieter note, Allocasuarina littoralis is showing its bronze male flowers and red female flowers (on separate trees) that will turn into the cones holding the seeds much loved by the Glossy Black Cockatoo.

Stephanie Haslam