May 27, 2021 | News
Don’t forget to LIKE our UWG Facebook page. You will receive a regular steam of current posts of interest to Noosa’s urban wildlife gardeners. These are almost always LOCAL but occasionally I share ones of general interest.
May 6, 2021 | News
With the reopening of Fairhill Native Botanic gardens and Noosa District Landcare’s new Hinter Hub it’s time to update the ‘Where to Buy Native Plants Page’.
Feb 10, 2021 | News
Noosa’s Native Plants website has been re-built with the support of a Noosa Council Community Environment grant. The website is an important resource used frequently and freely by members of the public and NRM practitioners throughout South East Qld.
Oct 24, 2020 | News
The Noosa Parks Association has a Botany group that meets at the Environment centre on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2pm. There is a discussion about local plants and talks presented by members and guests. The level of knowledge in the group is extremely high and they are happy to share their passion. They also have walks on the last Sunday of the month. Contact Joan Heavey ph. 0412350749 for more information.
Sep 2, 2020 | News
The Urban Wildlife Gardens display at the Noosaville Library received a lot of positive feedback and helped spread the word about the program. We would like to thank all the artists and gardeners whose works have been on display. Click through to read more and to see some images of the display, curated by Stephanie Haslam.
Aug 30, 2020 | News
From Tuesday 8th September, photographs and artwork will catch the eye of library-goers at Wallace Park, Noosaville as a new exhibition will focus on the delights of gardening with local native plants and the wildlife that visits them. The theme will be: “Begin with a Birdbath” and in this post, Stephanie Haslam invites UWG to visit the library to have a look, and to help promote the program to the wider community.