Sep 2, 2020 | News
The Urban Wildlife Gardens display at the Noosaville Library received a lot of positive feedback and helped spread the word about the program. We would like to thank all the artists and gardeners whose works have been on display. Click through to read more and to see some images of the display, curated by Stephanie Haslam.
Aug 30, 2020 | News
From Tuesday 8th September, photographs and artwork will catch the eye of library-goers at Wallace Park, Noosaville as a new exhibition will focus on the delights of gardening with local native plants and the wildlife that visits them. The theme will be: “Begin with a Birdbath” and in this post, Stephanie Haslam invites UWG to visit the library to have a look, and to help promote the program to the wider community.
Jul 6, 2020 | News
NICA member Roger Kelly found a sluggish Asian gecko with several skin swellings and sent photos to Dr Karrie Rose, a veterinary pathologist at Taronga Zoo, who specialises in diseases of wildlife. He is asking Urban Wildlife Gardens members to let him know of any sick geckos or lizards of any sort, especially if they have skin lumps or ulcers or head swellings. Contact details in this post.
Jun 19, 2020 | News
Good news for the future of the Urban Wildlife Gardens Program with Noosa Councillors approving NICA’s application for modest funding to continue the program into 2021. The continuation of the program, implemented and managed by NICA, will engage the urban community living in the Noosa Biosphere Reserve, helping them undertake activities which enhance wildlife habitats in their gardens.