Groundcovers in Hanging Baskets

Groundcovers in Hanging Baskets

Stephanie Haslam has been experimenting with groundcovers in hanging baskets. After just a few weeks the plants have filled them, done their thing and are trying to escape. For those with small gardens, town houses and even balcony gardens, it is important to find out the secrets of pot culture.  The bees don’t seem to care that they are in pots and are regular visitors.

Everything is Flowering

Everything is Flowering

Spring has sprung and so many local native plants are flowering prolifically in Noosa at the moment. For Stephanie, it’s tempting to believe that all the hot air, political nastiness and the horrors of Covid 19 is falling back to earth as a fertilizer.  Everything is flowering as if there is no tomorrow, or maybe just trying extra hard to encourage us to look at them and realise how important the natural environment is to the future of our species. Click through to see some of the lovely images of flowers from around the region.

Wildflower Festival 2020

Wildflower Festival 2020

The Sunshine Coast Wildflower Walks have attracted many people and 2020 has been a bumper flowering year.  Thanks to all concerned for bringing this explosion of colour (not to mention brilliant weather) into this otherwise rather dismal year. In this post, Stephanie provides a link to maps of the walks which are all on public land, so why not take some time to experience this natural bounty for yourself!

Where to buy Native Plants

Where to buy Native Plants

Not sure where to go to buy native plants? In this post, Michelle lists a number of nurseries including addresses and phone numbers. So don’t delay, get to your nearest nursery today and enjoy the beautiful spring weather in your garden!

Millaa Millaa Vine

Millaa Millaa Vine

Describing Eleagnus triflorus as a gangly, sprawling, caney shrub would be accurate, but doesn’t do it justice. This is a useful plant and is very easy to grow. It needs occasional pruning to keep it under control, but will scramble up trees and other supports if left to its own devices. Click through for more information and lovely photos.

Midyim Berry

Midyim Berry

The Midyim Berry (Austromyrtus dulcis) is a shrub for every Noosa garden. Confirming its toughness: it can be seen on council roundabouts throughout the shire, where it is regularly pruned quite savagely, but soon bounces back with a flush of silky pink new growth. It also provides sweet edible fruit for our native wildlife, so a must have for an urban wildlife garden! Stephanie gives more information about where and when to plant in this post.