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Mazus Pumilio (Swamp Mazus)

Mazus Pumilio (Swamp Mazus)

This native groundcover is a good alternative to grass in a shady area.

Mazus pumilio is a creeping groundcover native to eastern Australia, from south east Queensland to Tasmania and south east South Australia. It is a small, perennial herb growing to .1 m and spreading to 1m.

We have a stretch of ground on the southern side of our house that is in the shade all winter, so the grass usually dies off and the weeds take over.

Weed of the Month: Root Beer Plant

Weed of the Month: Root Beer Plant

Polygala – this small herbaceous plant has until recently been insignificant in gardens and bushland. However, the current weather conditions have suited it and now it can be found growing in bigger numbers. It is now growing well in healthy bushland where it previously wasn’t seen.