Weed of the Month Madeira vine
Weedy vines have the ability to completely change an ecosystem. They are one of the biggest risks to our bushland. This month we look at Madeira vine.
Weedy vines have the ability to completely change an ecosystem. They are one of the biggest risks to our bushland. This month we look at Madeira vine.
Japanese Honeysuckle was a popular garden plant a few decades ago. It isn’t as common in gardens these days but is now a bushland weed.
This month we look at Hairy commelina and have a reminder about the Native Wandering Jew that is often mistaken as a weed.
This year has seen many plants flowering prolifically and the Brisbane Wattle is no exception. But it is not a local native plant..
Mother in-laws tongue was a very popular garden plant in the past. Its very hardy and has a certain street appeal.
Dyschoriste depressa is a relatively new weed in the Noosa shire. It has the qualities to become a big threat to our bushland and a problem in gardens.