Aug 2, 2020 | Noosa's Native Wildlife
Stuart McKenzie from Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 know too well that snakes are a part of life here on the Sunshine Coast as development forces snakes to move from bushland areas into suburbia to try and survive. According to Stuart, snakes play a pivotal role in our ecosystems, whether we like them or not. In this post Stuart tells us more about the snakes of our region and why education is better than just being scared.
Apr 25, 2020 | Noosa's Native Wildlife
Watching birds feed, play and bath in your own garden is a very rewarding way to pass the time. So it’s not surprising that most Urban Wildlife Garden members want to see more, or a larger variety of bird species, use their garden. It’s the most common response when Michelle asks UWG members what wildlife they would like to see more of, and here she shares some ideas.
Mar 9, 2020 | Noosa's Native Wildlife
Around 30 people attended the UWG Native Bee Workshop and some early slide technology brought back memories. Thanks to Bob Raaby and friends for taking the time to show and tell and answering our questions.
Feb 25, 2020 | Noosa's Native Plants, Noosa's Native Wildlife
Native bees like blue flowers. With our Bee Workshop coming up on Saturday 7th March, here are some local native plants they will love.