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What’s Flowering in December

What’s Flowering in December

Quite a few Noosa native plants are flowering and of interest this December and these Plant Sheets detail the more obvious ones. Local gardeners are adding more and more local plants to their gardens and the wildlife is feeling right at home. Urban gardens, council landscaping and surrounding bushland provide links that encourage Noosa’s natural look.

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Lilly Pillys

Lilly Pillys

After Eucalyptus, the Lilly Pilly is probably the most recognised Australian plant. More than just an attractive plant, it’s a valuable food source and there is a type for every garden.

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The Mistletoe Plant

The Mistletoe Plant

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas. I do hope you get the chance to hang some Mistletoe this Christmas. The romantic idea of kissing underneath it dates to centuries old folklore.

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Wildlife on the Move

Wildlife on the Move

Spring and summer are breeding season for a lot of our local fauna and that means more movement including in our urban areas. Wildlife move into new areas for many reasons including to look for a mate, find new territory and search for nest building materials. My property has male echidnas out most nights making a ruckus as they move through the leaf litter.

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Highlights from the Hinterland Adventure Playground Tour

Highlights from the Hinterland Adventure Playground Tour

The Hinterland Adventure Playground in Cooroy is a nationally award-winning landscape and playground. It’s been open for over two years and, as well as providing a nature based all abilities play area, it offers significant wildlife habitat adjacent to the riparian corridor of Cooroy Creek.

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What’s Happening in November

What’s Happening in November

Open to see a selection of local native plants performing in November. Spring growth expands eucalypt trunks and peels off old bark in a riot of colour in the bushland that surrounds us. Notice how they gleam during rain storms.

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Mazus Pumilio (Swamp Mazus)

Mazus Pumilio (Swamp Mazus)

This native groundcover is a good alternative to grass in a shady area.

Mazus pumilio is a creeping groundcover native to eastern Australia, from south east Queensland to Tasmania and south east South Australia. It is a small, perennial herb growing to .1 m and spreading to 1m.

We have a stretch of ground on the southern side of our house that is in the shade all winter, so the grass usually dies off and the weeds take over.

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Creating Wildlife Habitat in Your Garden – Workshop Highlights

Creating Wildlife Habitat in Your Garden – Workshop Highlights

Our October Workshop was held at UWG member Jason Deathe’s property at Doonan. We had an interesting and informative morning with Jason who makes nesting boxes and habitat homes out of fallen logs. He stressed the importance of using sustainably found logs and gets his from tree fellers and landscapers.

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c/- NICA, PO Box 172, Tewantin Q 4565

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