Latest News
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Garden tip – Plant families
What are plant families and how they can help with choosing and looking after native plants in your UWG garden?
Workshop Wrap-up
The October workshop, ‘How to Visit a Native Nursery’, was held at the Coolum Community Native Nursery where full time manager, Tim Lang, took us on a tour of the nursery and shared his wealth of knowledge about native plants.
Native of the month – Native raspberry
After a bumper crop of raspberries this winter, we have another look at this local fruit.
Garden Visitors
Keron and John Hilton share some of their garden visitors.
Garden tip September 2023 Drilling weed trees
Killing and removing trees is hard work and can be costly. Read on to learn about drilling and how it can used in place of chain sawing on rural properties.
Flowering Now – September
Information about Noosa native plants flowering in September. Some may be suitable for YOUR urban wildlife garden. Find out more.
WEED OF THE MONTH September 2023 Sword Fern
Sword fern is not as well-known as its smaller cousin, Fishbone fern, but it is just as weedy.
Workshop Wrap-up – “Utility v Aesthetics v Wildlife: Trying to Find a Balance”
This month’s workshop was in Robert and Linda Price’s open garden in Tewantin and included an informal talk by Robert about finding a balance in an urban garden between utility areas, aesthetics and wildlife habitat.
What’s in Your Garden Handbook
The UWG Handbook is free to members or available for purchase at NICA.
UWG Facebook Group
Keep up to date with the latest posts on UWG Facebook group.
Let’s Build Your Dream Garden Together