Native Bee Hives at Local Schools

Native Bee Hives at Local Schools

A few years ago, Bruce Hallett, together with other NICA members, Roger Kelly and Bob Carey, installed a native bee hive at the Sunshine Beach Primary School near their permaculture garden. The students were amazed at the hard work the bees had done in just six weeks. If you are interested in getting a hive, NICA may be able to help.

Garden Visitors

Garden Visitors

Blue Tongue Lizards are well known around Australia and I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t enjoy a visit from them. This post includes a photo from UWG member Mary from Tewantin who recently had two inspect her garden and links to two articles from About Animals and Backyard Buddies that gives hints to make your garden attractive to blue tongues.

Alternatives to Feeding Wildlife

Alternatives to Feeding Wildlife

Feeding wildlife is a controversial issue. This article from Land for Wildlife looks at the negative effects of feeding wildlife, other ways to make a garden attractive to fauna and responsible feeding options. Rather than providing food directly, habitat can be created for wildlife by planting food supplies and providing shelters that will encourage wildlife to keep returning.

Attracting frogs to your backyard

Attracting frogs to your backyard

Attracting frogs into your backyard is not difficult. If you create the right conditions and habitat the frogs will find their way. You may even have resident frogs already. The presence of frogs is a good indicator of the overall health of an ecosystem. By creating suitable habitats and refuges for frogs in our own backyards we can help their survival in challenging urban environments. Click through for more tips and tricks to attract frogs into your garden.