AS BUSY AS . . . . .
Noosa’s Urban Wildlife Gardeners assembled in the Haslam Garden at Lake Cooroibah on Sunday 16th October to see a Native Bee hive separated and learn a few facts about Australia’s stingless native bees.
Noosa’s Urban Wildlife Gardeners assembled in the Haslam Garden at Lake Cooroibah on Sunday 16th October to see a Native Bee hive separated and learn a few facts about Australia’s stingless native bees.
All you need to do is obtain a populated bee box and place it properly oriented into your garden, and nature will do the rest.
Spring is here and all sorts of animals are on the move. Have a look how you can help at this time of year and contact numbers for local wildlife rescues.
Have you ever wondered what or who marks these leaves. Read on to find out..
Do you want to help with Frog research or get some tips for making your garden frog friendly? Read on to learn of the valuable work Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee is doing to collect data and care for out frogs.
The recent rains have been wonderful for the garden. It’s the best time of the year to plant for us, due to the cooler temperatures and the plants thrive in the current conditions. It is also great weather for frogs.